Sunday, July 24, 2005

March on out and see this!

Cyndy and I took our parents to see "March of the Penguins" today. Great movie! A documentary actually, about the life of Emperor penguins in the antarctic, more specifically the amazing hardships they go through to find a mate and protect their young in incredibly harsh elements. Suffice it to say you wouldn't find me on the film crew! The movie is worth it just for the footage of the stuffed toy looking baby penguins. Cute, cute, cute.


Sharon said...

Baltimore has a great zoo, I like it better than the more famous National Zoo in DC, and they specialize in breeding and studying African penguins. They're smaller than the Emperor ones, but very cute.

I think the penguin movie is great for kids, but, I would warn you that there are a couple scenes showing that some penguins, old and young, die each year in the harsh weather. There is a scene of a mother penguin crying over her dead baby that is heartbreaking. But, we agreed that you walked out of the film with an upbeat, happy feeling. And, believe me, I'm the first one to skip nature films if I think they are going to be too harsh, as a kid I could never understand why the cameramen on Wild Kingdom didn't step in and chase the lions away from their prey before the cute gazelles and antelopes ended up as dinner.

Whit said...

Katie love, love, loves penguins. I'll have to take her.

Plus, I like them too!!