Sunday, August 31, 2008

Read this book!

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows. Is that a great title or what?! I'd never heard of the book, but ran across it when I was hunting for an audio book to listen to on a drive up to PA this weekend. What a lucky find! I love this book, and having only managed to get 2/3 of the way through it on my trip, I had to sit down this evening and listen to the last three hours, so I could see how it ended. You can click on the title to read the Amazon description, but take my word for it, it's charming, funny, heartbreaking, informative, and enthralling. What more could you ask for?

Saturday, August 23, 2008


I know, I am such a baaaad blogger (hangs head in shame)! I am so hit or miss about it. I truly admire bloggers like my friend Jessica, or The Pioneer Woman, who are so consistent about posting. But, then they also have alot more interesting stuff to say! Anyway...

I stumbled across the cutest website/shop. It's Wu and Wu, and they sell adorable retro play kits. Why do all of my friends with kids that age have boys at the moment and not girls. I think the little girls I know right now are probably just slightly out of this age range. I love the retro artwork and details in the kits, check them out for that little girl on your gift list. Or think outside the box and buy one for youself, I just might!