Saturday, August 23, 2008


I know, I am such a baaaad blogger (hangs head in shame)! I am so hit or miss about it. I truly admire bloggers like my friend Jessica, or The Pioneer Woman, who are so consistent about posting. But, then they also have alot more interesting stuff to say! Anyway...

I stumbled across the cutest website/shop. It's Wu and Wu, and they sell adorable retro play kits. Why do all of my friends with kids that age have boys at the moment and not girls. I think the little girls I know right now are probably just slightly out of this age range. I love the retro artwork and details in the kits, check them out for that little girl on your gift list. Or think outside the box and buy one for youself, I just might!

1 comment:

Suzer said...

Loving it! I have 4 nieces and 1 nephew, so they might all get something from here next xmas.