Saturday, January 28, 2006

Deep cleansing breaths

How was your week? If I believed in astrology I'd say the stars were horribly aligned or something, it's been one of those weeks with a vengeance! And everyone I know seems to have had the same kind of week. So no great deep thoughts of wisdom here in this post, just a hug, pat on the back or whatever you need, and a reminder that things will get better! Happy place...happy place...

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Woohoo! Everyone loves a holiday!!!

Thanks to Whitney for reminding me that this is the 2nd annual National DE-Lurker Week! Time to come out of the closet, quit hiding behind that mouse, and leave a comment! Yup, I want to hear from you, even if it's just a quick "Hi". It's really not that hard.... and besides, aren't you getting kind of tired of only hearing me talk?!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Mouse - 1, Man - 0

Let's hear it for the mouse!!! Nice to see the underdog come out on top for a change.