Friday, September 09, 2005

Still knitting

Usually I lose interest in a craft after a few weeks and start on something else, but still enjoying the knitting for awhile longer. I like having something to do while I'm watching tv in the evenings. This is going to be a lace shrug once I knit another 30 inches or so and then edge it with a ruffle. I have more motivation to finish it than usual because I misread the price on the balls of yarn and was chatting to the clerk instead of paying attention to the bill when I signed it, so didn't realize until later that it was quite a bit more expensive than I'd thought. But that's ok, I love the color, kind of an orangey pumpkin. I think I might go into craft overload this weekend, I'm taking a cardmaking class with a friend later today, Cyndy and I are going to sell some of our beading projects at a craft fair sunday, and I'm going to try to finish this shrug.

1 comment:

Whit said...
