Sunday, September 04, 2005

Even though I hate winter

and winter clothes, I do like to knit scarves for some reason. I'd just rather look at them then have to wear them. I always find it depressing when I walk into the stores and find they've put out all the fall clothes... so sad.. a sure sign that summer is coming to a close. But here's my token acknowledgement of the coming cold weather. It's not quite a bright a blue as it looks in the picture and the picture can't show how soft the yarn is... I'm already having to fight my cat for ownership of it, he likes to nest on it. And I don't think I'd ever make one again, by the last row it was taking me all evening just to get across one row.... boring! But, having said that, I'd love to make one in thin, smooth, shiny yarn in variegated red, orange, yellow and purples...


Whit said...

I don't know what is addicting about these silly scarves - but I've made several now (crochet & knit)... I don't wear scarves unless I'm traveling and outside a lot. Mostly, I like to be inside with a fire. :O)

Whit said...


Cute scarf!!!!

Sharon said...

Lol..well one of my strongest childhood memories is of when I was only abou 4 yrs old and really, really wanted a black sweater. My mom didn't get me one, said that little girls didn't wear black, so I'm sure what I got was probably pink or white. I joke and tell her that it scarred me for life and that's why I like black clothes so often.

Sharon said...

Lol...I'm picturing a yellow closet. When I was in second grade my mom was expecting Cyndy and was on bedrest for quite a while. My dad ended up having to take me shopping for all my school clothes. He liked plaid, so EVERYTHING I got ended up being plaid, and unlike my mom, he indulged me and at every store if we bought something, he let me change into it to wear to the next store..where the whole process was repeated.