Monday, August 22, 2005


Ok, this definitely isn't healthy, but it sure was good! I was cooking brunch for 3 yesterday and had two day-old croissants and 2 bananas I wanted to use up. So I sliced the croissants in 1/2 inch slices,a nd the same with the bananas. Then dropped them in a frying pan of butter, brown sugar, and a little cinnamon, all melted together and bubbling. Stir the bananas gently now and then and turn the croissant pieces so they cook evenly and get a sticky, gooey crust of the caramel and then dump it all into a shallow bowl and serve warm. I didn't measure the butter and sugar, just use whatever looks good, I think I used maybe 2 parts brown sugar to 1 part butter. How much you put in depends on how much sauce you want along with the banana and croissant pieces.


Whit said...

Yikes! Sounds DELICIOUS!!! I've decided I'm never going to lose weight... Oh well, I'll die happy.

Sharon said...

Lol..well we wouldn't have had any either except Cyndy bought so many to begin with.

Sharon said...

That may have been where Cyndy got them, there's a Sam's club just down the road and she and I split a membership there.