Saturday, January 02, 2010

2010 Project 365

Nancy inspired me, and so this year I'll give the infamous Project 365 a shot! What that means is that I'll try and remember to take and upload one photo each day during the year. I'm not convinced I lead an interesting enough life to make this an interesting project, but, I've heard it's great for practicing and improving your photographic skills, so I'll give it a go. In theory, I've added the widget correctly, so every few days when I upload the photos to my flickr account, it will also add them to this blog, over to the right. Don't worry, I'll try to get more interesting as time goes on.

1 comment:

Torry said...

I admire your ambitiousness! You motivate me.... Maybe I'll try to do a project 12 where I try really hard to do a post per month. ;) I look forward to seeing what you come up with. I love the little photos. It really makes you appreciate the little things around you and gives me a really cool insight into Sharon's world.