Saturday, December 15, 2007

Stop the Madness!

As the election year gears up, let’s clear up a few things. I’m already starting to get blitzed by well (and not so well)-meaning friends, relatives and acquaintances with “humorous”, serious, angry, pleading, cajoling, etc., political emails. In an attempt to spend less time hitting the delete button, let me clarify some points:

(a) I left the Republican party for good reason, I am not a fan of Ronald Reagan, and I think Dubya is not far short of being the anti-Christ. So if your political ponderings come from that direction, take me off your email list, as they will only be deleted, after reflexive eye-rolling.

(b) I’m not a Democrat. Nope. Just because you aren’t in one party doesn’t automatically mean you are a member of the other. And I’m not planning on becoming one any time soon, so any pleas, missives, or explanations as to why I should sign up will also be deleted and end up in my cyber trashcan.

(c) Nope, I won’t donate money to you and/or your campaign anyway.

(d) No, I won’t forward your email on to everyone in my address book, why would I do that to them?

(e) Over the past few years and during the last election, my dad and I traded amusing anti-Bush emails/websites with a small group of like-minded friends. You know who you are and are welcome to continue.

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