Thursday, May 04, 2006

Odds & ends

If you're not a "Gilmore Girls" fan then you won't be interested, but wow, it's with great trepidation I look forward to next week's season finale. Watching this week's episode just brought home how important good writers are. Without them it doesn't matter how good the stars are, they can only carry bad material so far. And boy, when the Palladino's are having a good week they are awesome. Michel's little quirks, like this week's panic over dairy products mislabeling, and Jackson and Sookie's "pickle" dilemma....great stuff. With the Palladinos leaving and the trailer showing a possible rehookup with Christopher....I'm afraid, very afraid. Sigh.

Ok, I'm apparently the LAST person to discover his music, but on the off chance that you are as behind as I was, check out Jack Johnson! I'm usually further ahead of the curve, but hey, better late than never. Not Hawaiian music, but Hawaiian flavored music. Love the rhythyms and feel of this cd. Makes me wish I was sitting on the beach soaking up some sunshine. Ok, so I ALWAYS wish I was sitting on the beach soaking up some get the idea.

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