Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Hello Kitty and Bunny and ....

I'm not sure why, and I probably shouldn't admit it at my age, but I find that I am a closet Hello Kitty fan and also alot of the other similar Japanese characters of that ilk. I've restained my fandom to just a few nightshirts so far and have avoided browsing through the Hello Kitty shop at the nearby mall. But, I may have to break down and get one of these Dust Bunnies. I don't know why but they just crack me up, there is something so cute and quirky about them.


Sharon said...

Oh that's so true, there's so much more shopping to do for little girls. Not that I can't manage to shop for either :p

Whit said...

I LOVE that dust bunny. I can't quite figure out why, either... but it appeals to me.