Our men and women in uniform deserve better than this. No, I don't believe everything I see on film or in print. But yes, I do believe this particular film. I have loved ones in the military who have and are going hungry when they shouldn't have to, just because the contractors limit their services as much as possible to make as big a profit as possible. Is war hell? Yes. Is it comfy and cozy? No. But where there is an opportunity to take better care of the troops it should be taken.
I am so sensitive when it comes to the war against terrorism and the military because my daddy is a retired Marine, and my husband is a Marine. He has served one tour of duty in Iraq already, and is slated to return. I have friends who have done tours of duty in BOTH the wars in Iraq...I'm glad these men fight for our freedom, however one likes to define "freedom."
I totally understand. I have a dear friend over there now who is a Marine, and who also recently served in Afganistan. We spent a nervous 10 months or so last year while my cousin, who's in the Army, served around Bagdad and in Fallujah. He recently got married and will be returning to Iraq soon. I am so proud of our service men and women, and I think they deserve so much more support and respect than they are currently getting from their own government. They are putting their lives on the line and we don't even supply them with the equipment they need, not to even get into some of the dubious policy that puts them where they are. My loved ones can't even get a regular meal most of the time because the Halliburton run mess halls keep such limited hours. They live mainly on mre's or the snack food we mail them. Then, heaven forbid they get wounded, the administration has been cutting veterans benefits and military medical facilities left and right. It's shameful not to give these men and women the best that we can give them.
I am so sensitive when it comes to the war against terrorism and the military because my daddy is a retired Marine, and my husband is a Marine. He has served one tour of duty in Iraq already, and is slated to return. I have friends who have done tours of duty in BOTH the wars in Iraq...I'm glad these men fight for our freedom, however one likes to define "freedom."
I totally understand. I have a dear friend over there now who is a Marine, and who also recently served in Afganistan. We spent a nervous 10 months or so last year while my cousin, who's in the Army, served around Bagdad and in Fallujah. He recently got married and will be returning to Iraq soon. I am so proud of our service men and women, and I think they deserve so much more support and respect than they are currently getting from their own government. They are putting their lives on the line and we don't even supply them with the equipment they need, not to even get into some of the dubious policy that puts them where they are. My loved ones can't even get a regular meal most of the time because the Halliburton run mess halls keep such limited hours. They live mainly on mre's or the snack food we mail them. Then, heaven forbid they get wounded, the administration has been cutting veterans benefits and military medical facilities left and right. It's shameful not to give these men and women the best that we can give them.
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