Saturday, July 23, 2005


Do you and your family and friends have some strange game you've made up that you play? Cyndy and I have one we play at flea markets and antique stores. It actually has two variations, it's either "Ugly wedding gift", where we each try to find the most perfectly awful, ugly object that we'd like to give as a wedding gift to someone we didn't like, or "Ugly decorator house", where we mentally furnish a house as we walk through the store, with the ugliest, most bizarre stuff we can find. Cyndy wasn't with me this time, but I played anyway. It was all lamps this time. This was the grandprize's not a good photo because I took it with my cellphone, but it has three ugly lampshades, kind of hung inside each other and each hanging a bit lower as they get smaller, over a base consisting of a swooping ceramic modern sculpture around a crackled "crystal ball". Priceless.

1 comment:

Whit said...

John likes to play a game where everyone we see we have to turn into a celebrity - or at least look around and find celebrities when we go out. I do it automatically now.

I can't wait to play the decorator one. The lamp is, well... amazing.